Mattiaci Golden Retrievers: Our Puppies

Welcome to our puppy information page. We breed quality, healthy, well socialized golden retriever puppies from health tested parents that we compete in AKC conformation shows, hunt tests and obedience trials. We breed for the preservation of healthy bloodlines. We perform health clearances on our dogs to do everything in our power to ensure that the offspring will not have genetic issues. We do not primarily breed for pets, but with competition in our breed being so competitive only a couple of puppies from any litter are kept for showing, pets are available. During Covid we do not do tours. Puppy or dog pick up is very brief at my property as I'm a partial caretaker for my at-risk 84 YO father. We are located in Garrison, Montana.Our golden retriever family can be seen Our Goldens page

Shown Above: Casper-Sequin litter. (All sold)


* We have 2 male puppies available from our litter going home January 2025

Champion Lance bred to Britney

***1 male and female 3 1/2 month old puppies in our kindergarten training program. Click here for puppies and dogs started on training available now: Pet puppies started on training available:

Adults and puppies started on training availableon our Started Puppy Page.


January 21, 2014: Our goldens AM CH.Martini, AM CH.ChestR & Dyna CGC

Shown Above: Nimbus-Posh Litter, pictured on 12/01/2013

Shown above: Our Champions Nimbus and Danica.

Shown: 14 1/2 Year old AM CH.Mattiaci Aerials In The Sky "Han" in 2020


Please only contact us by E-mail AFTER reading our puppy information below. We have gone to great lengths to answer many questions and talk about the purpose of our breeding program of 25 years. Please include your phone number in your e-mail. We do not breed our dogs solely to produce pets. We title our dogs in AKC events and perform health testing on all of our breeding stock. Anyone who buys a puppy from us, regardless of the intended purpose benefits from all of the hard work we put into our dogs and puppies. Our puppies are available only to homes seeking an indoor family pet who will not be just a dog, but a family member -- whether they are show dogs or pets. Our puppies are whelped in my bedroom, and raised only inside our home, only by us. They are well socialized with children, bathed, blow dried, brushed and nails trimmed weekly, and are very well rounded by the time they leave for their new families. They are crate trained, and are used to car trips in a crate. The puppies are routinely dewormed, and receive their first core vaccinations. We do ask the puppies be spayed after this 1st season/neutered between 12 and 18 months of age, and not younger as munch research has shown more health benefits to waiting.

We do not sell or reply to third parties, brokers, or pet stores -- nor does any other reputable breeder we know.
When inquiring please describe your past dog ownership history, dogs you currently have, what kind of a home you have for dogs, and what you are seeking in a puppy. If your dog will be spending a large part of his or her time away from people; primarily housed in a kennel, garage, or crate, i.e., not an in-home environment, or know that you will not be a permanent lifetime home for this puppy or dog: thank you for your interest, however, we do not have a dog or puppy for you. Golden retrievers are hunting, working and family dogs, bred to be constant companions with daily attention.

Show Puppies: We will sell show puppies to homes who have finished a championship on a dog, have a history in their dogs in events, or have titled dogs in other venues.


I began showing golden retrievers in 1987, more of which can be read here: About Us page. Our golden retrievers are listed here on Our Goldens page.
We primarily compete with our goldens in AKC venues, mainly conformation, to their AKC championships. We have a breeding program of 25 years and have many family members here from our oldest champions to our show puppies we are growing out. We also frequently have our puppies back for boarding here.

You can see many video clips of our show dogs and puppies by clicking on our Video Channel here

Shown Above: Our golden Dyna, with two 8 week old Hamer-Petrus daughters with a new exciting toy in our living room

LOCATION: We are located in Garrison, Montana. Puppies are picked up at our home in Garrison, or we can meet buyers at 4 airports. Quick turn around flights are available, or we ship air cargo out of Missoula airport. We do our own flight nanny transports for puppies and dogs. We frequently fly with our dogs to dog shows, and are very experienced at flying and logistics. Click here for shipping information to read about flying with dogs and cargo shipping.

Goldens originated in Scotland in the 1800's to retrieve upland game birds. We strictly adhere to the AKC standard for golden retrievers of size to perform their origional purpose, with females being 55-65 pounds and males being 65-75 pounds. The majority of dogs in every generation of our dogs are titled in Conformation, Obedience, Field, Hunt Tests, and also have awards of Outstanding Sire or Dam for producing titled offspring. We typically keep one or two puppies in a litter for showing. Most of our puppies go to homes who are not looking for a show dog, "just want a pet," but one that they can be proud of. We only breed golden retrievers for ourselves, and those who want more than a "just a dog" -- whatever their ultimate endeavor may be.

Our Goldens

Shown: 15 Year old Sophie with our goldens.


Our puppy buyers are highly invested in their puppies, and looking for a breeder who is dedicated to the breed, doing their best to produce the healthiest puppy possible by breeding dogs from generations of health tested dogs. We are not the most expensive breeder to purchase a quality, well bred puppy from -- but we are picky who we sell our dogs to. We do not typically reply to "one liner" e-mails. Plan on telling us about your home for dogs if you expect us to be interested in selling you a puppy. Most of our puppies go to homes who "don't want a show dog," but want to be proud of their pet. Pet quality puppies at 8 weeks of age are $3,000 and are sold on a spay/neuter contract and AKC limited registration are sold on AKC Limited Registration and a Spay/Neuter contract. Adults and Older puppies started on training: We have many homes who are looking for older puppies or adults. We occasionally puppies in training, click on our "Started Puppy And Trained Dog" page for information:Click HERE to see our puppies in training. Dogs with AKC limited registration can compete in any AKC event and junior showmanship events. Conformation events are for breeding stock. * We only sell show/breeding quality dogs to homes that have titled and compete in events with their dogs, in some venue.showing at AKC, or International shows in conformation. . "Paying more later" to breed a pet quality dog, who has not been titled in some AKC venue, and/or does not have the four minimum health clearances for breeding is never an option with us, nor any reputable breeder. All puppies leave with age appropriate vaccinations and de-worming. We keep current on immunization protocols and follow the core vaccine protocol.

We do offer "Puppy Kindergarten" package. Cost is $35/day past 8 weeks of age, plus any age appropriate vaccines and microchip. These puppies start training for:
- crate training
- Sit
- Down
- Front (come)
- Heel on Leash, sit when stopped.

Shown: Mattiaci How Low Can You Go CGC RN "Dyna" Celebrating her 10th Birthday in 2020


We occasionally have puppies we've kept to show, grown out and trained that we later decide would be better pets than show dogs. Most people who inquire about them are wanting an older puppy or those just wanting to skip some young puppy training. Any older puppies we have kept to train are listed on our older puppies started on training or dogs available page.


We use and perform Early Neorological Stimulation, or "Bio Sensory" stimulation with our puppies. These exercises impact the neurological system by stimulating it earlier than would be normally expected. The result being an increased capacity that later will help to make the difference in its performance. Neurological exercises are not substitutions for routine handling, play socialization or human bonding. Five benefits have been observed in canines that were exposed to the Bio Sensor stimulation exercises:

1. Improved cardio vascular performance (heart rate)
2. Stronger heart beats,
3. Stronger adrenal glands,
4. More tolerance to stress
5. Greater resistance to disease .

All health clearance information on OUR GOLDENS are listed in the top left hand corner of their pages, and on their linked pedigree database page listed on their page. Our dogs over the age of 2 used in breeding program have been screened for the minimum of:
- Board Certified Cardiologist heart clearance
- Opthalmologist clearances
- Hips and Elbows evaluated by PennHIP and OFA
- We utilize Optigen testing to make sure our puppies will not go blind from PRA
- Our breeding stock is cleared yearly by an opthalmologist, past when they are being used in our breeding program.
- None of our dogs have yet to be afflicted with Pigmentary Uveitis, also known as PU. Our foundation bitch, Ch.Citrine A New Atti-Two'd is still eye clear at 11 years of age.

Just like humans, statistically, there is no perfect dog. This is the entire reason we screen for genetic disorders in our breeding stock - they exist in our breed. Hip dysplasia is a polygentic and enviornmental disease, which means it is produced by many factors. Puppies are born with perfect hips, and how you raise them play a role in their development. We cannot control how you raise your puppy after it leaves here. We have done our part in performing the core health clearances, therefore do not guarantee or warrantee for it. If a breeder does not clearly list the hip, elbow, eye & heart clearances of their breeding stock easily their website -- they probably don't have those health clearances on their dogs, and typically those dogs will not come from generations of healthy, screened dogs.
Our breeding program is a result of several generations of consecutive health testing, to maximize the chances of producing healthy dogs. The health clearances of all of our goldens over the age of 2 years of age. We do not breed dogs with epilepsy, seizures, allergies, hot spots, skin disorders, chronic ear infections, have tested abnormally for thyroid, or are not free from esophageal disorders.

Shown: Tai's Set Fire To The Rain 9 Pts/1 Major, 1 RN Leg "Casper"


Color is the last virtue of importance in the realm of important factors that we consider when breeding our dogs. We do do not breed for any particular color. Although most of our dogs are light golden in color, our main focus is health, temperament and longevity. We do our best to accommodate from what is in a litter depending on when their reservation was received.

Shown Above: one of our boy puppies enjoying playground equipment dressed up for Halloween! He now lives in Boston, MA


Shown Right: 13 Year Old Jake Silveira in FL from our Wine theme Litter, littermate to our CH.Envy

For those people looking for ""White" golden retrievers," please visit our parent club website, on ""rare" or "white" goldens."

Golden retrievers in any country exist in shades of gold, from cream to mahogany, of which white does not exist. There are some who use false marketing schemes to deceive buyers. Breeders who market their golden retriever puppies by color such as, "white, platinum, or creme" often fail to health test breeding stock for hips,elbows, eyes and hearts, much less breed from generations of health tested dogs.

Shown Above: Our soon to be 15 Year Old Foundation Stud, AM CH.Mattiaci Aerials In The Sky "Han"

Shown: One of our ChestR-Bouquet puppies in training


The typical temperament and activity level of our dogs varies from a more laid back dog who is quieter and settles in the house, to a medium activity lvel ---but ready and happy to do whatever activity you want to do. Both the sire and dam of all puppies bred at Mattiaci have been selected for their sensible temperaments they not only possess, but produce. Stud dogs used in our breeding program are dogs I have not only seen and met in person, but must compliment my bitches on many levels: structurally, generations of health clearances, and the temperament of a willing to please dog that harmoniously lives in our home. By 7 weeks I know the individual personalities, characteristics, and temperaments of each puppy and can match them best to the right family.


Male or Female? Typically the deciding factor is size. Golden retrievers are upland game hunting dogs bred to retrieve game from your boat or on land. Females are 55-65 pounds and males 65-75 pounds. To view the AKC Golden Retriever Breed standard click here: AKC Golden Retriever.

Shown above, Mattiaci Beau-Syrah puppy "Daisy" Stevenson of Fairbanks, AK with her first grouse.


There are many golden retrievers being bred, yet the availability of well bred goldens being bred with all of their health clearances is limited. If you would like to purchase one our of golden retriever puppies, we welcome e-mails as an initial start of contact. We do not post our phone number on our website due to the high volume of spam calls. A copy of our sales contract and reservation form can be e-mailed to homes with litter information. Many people like to plan ahead, but please wait to email us for a puppy or a dog until you're ready to purchase within a month as we receive so many inquiries, it's impossible to keep a wait list and keept track of all of the emails. We can really only plan for litters 4 months in advance. If you know roughly what your timeline is, your best bet is to contact us no sooner than 2 months prior.

How puppies are chosen:

How do we pick out which puppies go where? We match our puppies to their owners lifestyle and activity level as best we can, so each home gets their "pick puppy." No home knows exactly which puppy they are getting until AFTER the puppies are graded after 7 weeks of age. We welcome a list of favorites from the photos we e-mail weekly to homes who have sent deposits. Show puppies are chosen first, for homes who compete with their dogs in AKC events. The balance of puppies are paired with their families beginning with the 1st reservation down to the last with their needs and preferences in mind. The owners either choose from a puppies we have matched with their preferences of activity level, and other preferences or ask us to choose which puppy is best for them. Puppies can begin to be picked up no earlier than 8 weeks of age. Puppies cannot be travel by air until 8 weeks of age. We have homes visit us as well as home that need to fly with their puppy back to where they live, we fly frequently with our show dogs and offer transport options at:our Puppy Shipping page.
take your puppy or dog on an airline here.

We do not sell to third parties, brokers, or dealers. We want to know who has our dogs, and where every one of our dogs are.


Show Above: Lucas, Bred by Mattiaci, owned by Kirston from Medford, OR.

We occasiohnaly have conformation puppies available to comes who already compete with their dogs in AKC Venues. Our dogs have earned titles in Conformation, obedience, hunt tests, agility, rally, and ban hunt.

There are Mattiaci golden retriever puppies residing in: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, South Korea and China.
Shown Above: A Han-Gander son "Laker" at 4 months of age.

"Jacie" Turpin (WA)
Click HERE to return to the main page: Mattiaci Golden Retrievers.

"Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort."
-John Ruskin

Shown Above: Zack Warner (MA), ready to go trick or treating with the kids! He now lives in Boston, MA

Shown above: Abra. Our late, great, Champion Quillmark Tear Up The Tundra CD with her liter.

Contacting Us: Mattiaci Golden Retrievers

In lieu of a long "application," we prefer to learn about our homes if they call or e-mail, telling us about their history and homes for dogs on their own, in their own words.Our "puppy questionnaire" and "application" is very simple:

- what state do you live in?
- what is your background in dogs?
- what kind of a home do you have for dogs?
- are you searching for a male, or a female?

- will you be picking up in person? Need Cargo shipping? Nanny flights possible to Seattle by us.

If you have questions not answered on my webpage, (406)282-1082 Message instructions: Please leave a brief message stating:

1.Your name and what state you are calling from.
2. Which specific dog you are intered in.
3.A brief description of your pet ownership history

Inquiries that do not give us any information about what kind of a home they would provide for our puppies will not be acknowleged.
Our waiting list for puppies starts about 4 months in advance. We do not keep a waiting list past 4 months in the future. If you'd like a puppy or dog next year, contact us then as we don't keep a waiting list for future years.

** Once our puppies are born, we become a "closed kennel" for the safety and health of our puppies. We have no visitation until after our puppies have been vaccinated right before they go to their new homes.

Since covid, we do not give tours or visits.

It's not our priority to provide you with a puppy or dog. Our priority is to match the best homes for our dogs. We have to have lifetime relationships with our buyers and are always available.

For more information about a Mattiaci goldens or any litter information, "Click Below" on the blue highlighted text. Mattiaci Golden Retrievers
or type into your e-mail field:

Garrison, MT. Visitors by appointment only.

Visit our facebook sharing page for recent news, photos and videos of our lives with our goldens.
Shown Above: Our 207 acre ranch & mountains next to it.

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